Saturday, October 1, 2011

Development Experts Present at Boston Baha'i Center TODAY!

Come hear Dr. Cecil Cook and New Dawn Associates founder Crispin Perberton-Pigott present their
views on spiritual solutions to working in international development.
TODAY, October 2 at 3pm, Bosotn Baha'i Center, 595 Albany St.,  3-5pm.

1 comment:

  1. The work of Cecil Cook and Crispin Pemberton-Pigott was presented in Boston yesterday. If you admired their work in applied technology and rural development, nominate them for the Lemelson MIT award at:
    Presenting yesterday at the "Doing Justice, Making Peace" series held at the Boston Baha'i Center, the dialogue focused on the application of spiritual principles to the field of international development and improving the quality of life for the poor. Cook (an anthropologist) and Pemberton-Pigott (an engineer) are affiliated with 'Technoshares' and 'New Dawn Engineering'in Southern Africa. If you attended, share your thoughts!
