Buchanan City

Arriving in Buchanan City to a family welcome and office! This morning interviewed by Radio UNMIL (UN Military in Liberia) on gender equality broadcast across Liberia. Later interview w. "The New Democrat" newspaper about the critical issues/gender equality. This is all big and controversial news here. In response to journalist, Paul Harry's last question I shard the importance of the world-embracing Teachings of Baha'u'llah and that Baha'is around the world join them in working toward the equality of men and women as a universal goal!
This is election season. Chatter everywhere, newz stories attacking candidates left and right, and gearing up for safe elections as we watch closely the unfolding electoral process in Nigeria. Liberian Prez hosted visiting Malian Prez and announced that, thanks to many interventions, malaria rates have gone down in Liberia. However, other newz coverage on the situation in Cote d'Ivoire across border southern Liberia is not good. Thousands of refugees crossing the border being chased by new regime military in retaliation against dethroned Gbagbo forces; rise in GBV in these refugee camps as many girls/women forced to engage in transactional sex for food. Liberians have run out of goodwill for these border crossers and UNHCR is doing their best to keep up w. the demand for food and shelter in the camps.
Meanwhile, as the world collapses in many of the world's hotspots, we carry on here in Buchanan City so that the new College and Gender Studies Program may one day be a 'city on the hill'. In preparation for my coming these very together men have formed themselves into a group calling themselves "The Honorable Men" to show their willingness to support the uneasy transition toward equality and their support for the women. This completes a self-organizing principle method in community engagement in which community people define their own reality in working toward common cause. Last August when I was here the 'Wise Women' and 'Learning Women' came into being. Bravo for them!!! Keep us in your prayers...and stay tuned.
Robin, this work you are spearheading is so important. God bless you for taking this on. I loved the billboard picture and message.The teachings of Baha'u'llah tell us that one person can have a profound impact and you are doing that many times over with the groups of women you are networking with and hopefully each of them in their turn. Please keep up this work. Love, Wandra
ReplyDeleteYou are my good sister, Wandra. the encouragement is appreciated.