Tuesday, July 10, 2012

 As one Kenyan mother said: "I want to bring every good thing to one child before I have another."
Population control can mean women (and girls) being able to control their own reproduction.
Listen in on Wed. 11 July to the live-streamed Summit on Family Planning from the UK. Making contraception, condoms, or other preventative sex methods available is a way of educating choice into our lives. Smart women, smart families, smart power !


Monday, July 2, 2012


This recent World Bank report says poverty is decreasing across the globe. Yes, China's poverty/ prosperity story is a big part of the statistical picture, but what about consistent reports that food crises and land grabs are devastating some of the more pristine regions of the world?
While the graph depicts the quantitative story, there is a qualitative story that underlies these numbers. The bumper sticker on my car reads 'No farms, no food'. As the EU and other global players buy up land in Africa to grow biofuels for more efficient cars, this "Green Dream" only benefits the richer nations of the world. As the land is 'grabbed', local food produce is unaffordable for locals.
How "Green" is your dream now, Europe? Starvation, hunger, malnutrition, and transactional sex for food are now part of your hallowed dream, my friends.

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